This article will provide an overview of PL Resources, including the following:
- Accessing and Previewing Resources
- Adding Resource Files
- Adding Resource Links
- Filtering Resources
- Editing Resources
- Deleting Resources
Note: Only users with Professional Learning Management Permissions can add PL Resources, but all users can access them.
Note about Sharing: Adding a PL Resource to a PL Page makes that Resource visible in the Resource Library and the PL Page for other users in the district. Choosing to share the Resource with All Districts makes the Resource available in the Resource Library and PL Page for users in other districts as well. There is no option to upload a PL Resource and keep it private only to the uploader.
Written Explanation with Visuals:
Accessing and Previewing Resources
Many PL Reflection and Discussion pages have Resources available from Modern Teacher and from other districts in the National Network to help get you started. To access these Resources, navigate to the PL Page and click any resource to the right of the Description. Note that resources provided by Modern Teacher are marked with a small MT logo in the bottom right-hand corner to easily distinguish them from resources shared by districts. If resources have not yet been provided on a PL Page, the Resources Section will not yet be visible.
Clicking on a resource will prompt a Preview popup, shown above, with details on the resource, including who uploaded it, who has access to it, and an optional description. From that popup, you can download or open the resource file or link.
Note, all users can add files as attachments to their comments at the bottom of the Reflection and Discussion pages, shown above. Users can choose to not to share these files, to share them with My District, or to share them with All Districts. If they are shared, they'll appear in the News Feed and Resource Library. These attachments do not appear in the top Resources section of the PL Page.
Adding Resource Files
Users with PL Management Permissions are able to add PL Resources Files to the top Resource section of the PL Page. The user can click the + button at the top of the Resource section and click or drag/drop to add a file in popup shown above. The user can then add an optional description and choose if they'd like to share this file with all districts, or keep it private to their district.
- If the user selects to Share with "My District," the file will be visible in the News Feed on the Dashboard, the PL Page, and Resource Library for all users in the district.
- If the user selects to Share with "All Districts," the file will be visible in the News Feed on the Dashboard, the PL Page, and Resource Library for all users in all districts.
Adding Resource Links
Users with PL Management Permissions are able to add PL Resources Links to the top Resource section of the PL Page. The user can click the + button at the top of the Resource section, select "Resource" Link from the popup shown above, enter their URL or Link in the space provided and an optional description, and click Save. The user can then choose if they'd like to share this link with all districts, or keep it private to their district.
- If the user selects to Share with "My District," the file will be visible in the News Feed on the Dashboard, the PL Page, and Resource Library for all users in the district.
- If the user selects to Share with "All Districts," the file will be visible in the News Feed on the Dashboard, the PL Page, and Resource Library for all users in all districts.
Update: You can now add a Title to your Resource Link in addition to the URL and Description.
Filtering Resources
As shown above, you have the option to filter PL Resources to show All Resources (default), only Resources shared by My District, or only Resources shared by Modern Teacher. For additional filters and search tools, see the Resource Library. Note that when there are more than six Resources on a PL Page, the Resource section paginates as shown above, so the user can browse through multiple pages of Resources.
Editing Resources
Once a Resource has been added to a PL Page, it can only be edited by the user who added it. When a user clicks on a resource they have added, the Preview popup will contain options to Download or Open, Edit, and Delete. When editing, you have the options to replace the file or link, update the description, and change the sharing settings. Edits will appear to all users with access to the resource in the Resources section of the PL Page, the Resource Library, and the News Feed.
Deleting Resources
Once a Resource has been added to an SI, it can only be deleted by the user who added it. When a user clicks on a resource they have added, the Preview popup will contain options to Download or Open, Edit, and Delete, shown above in the Edit Resources section. Deleting a Resource removes it for all users from the Resources section of the PL Page, the Resource Library, and the News Feed.