PL Builder Overview

Modern Teacher’s PL Builder allows districts to create their own Professional Learning Modules, similar to those available in Modern Teacher’s Professional Learning.

This article provides an overview of the PL Builder, including information on the following:

  • Adding Modules & Tiles
  • Creating Tile/Page Content
  • Working with Tiles: Copy, Rearrange, Delete, & Revert
  • Assigning & Publishing
  • The "My District PL” Page


For a quick, under 2 minute introduction video to the PL Builder, see the PL Builder Intro. The video below provides more detail.

Navigation Note: PL Managers and Invited Collaborators will only have access to the PL Builder if the page is available in the district's PL Navigation settings.

Update: In addition to embedding images and videos in the PL pages, you now also have the ability to embed other webpages. For details, see the article on Creating Tile/Page Content.



Written Explanation:

Adding Modules & Tiles

PL Managers for the district have access to the PL Builder and the Create Modules option. Once a module has been created with a title and description, pages of content can be added, shown as Tiles. The three types of tiles are Content Pages, Reflections, Discussions, and Quizzes. Once a tile is added with a title and type selection, content can be created on the page as explained below. An additional level of tiles can be added with the Add Fluency option, and if additional users are desired to help in the creation of the module, they can be granted access via the Invite Collaborators option. Note, Collaborators that are not PL Managers for the district will not have the option to create new modules in the PL Builder, and they will only see the modules on which they are invited to collaborate.

Note, Cross-District users can also create modules and copy them to the districts in their group. See the article on the Cross-District View for more information.

Creating Tile/Page Content

Clicking on any tile allows you to add and edit content on that page. There, you have the option to add a Description (including hyperlinks and embedded images, videos, or other webpages), Resources (files or links), and a custom image for the tile. You can also mark if the tile Requires Review. For more information on these features, see the detailed article on Creating Tile/Page Content. At the bottom of Reflection or Discussion tiles, you can preview the area in which the users will respond to any prompt in the Description. On Quiz pages, you’ll instead have the option to create your quiz questions in this area. 

Working with Tiles: Copy, Rearrange, Delete, & Revert

A range of tools are available to help you work with your tiles. Tiles can be copied, rearranged, and deleted, and deleted tiles can be restored until the module is published. Tiles with unpublished changes are marked with an orange border, and you can Revert the unpublished changes to return the tile to it’s currently published state. Additional tools are also available to Hide modules you don’t want to see in the PL Builder, and to subscribe to notifications when changes are made to a module. For more information on these tools, see the detailed article on Building PL Modules.

Assigning & Publishing

When you’re ready to make your module available to users, you can assign the module to the entire district, or to select schools and/or cohorts. The module will not become available to these users until it is Published for the first time. Once it has been published for the first time, the assignment can be changed without re-publishing, and changes can be published without re-assigning. For more information on these tools, see the detailed article on Assigning & Publishing Modules.

The "My District PL” Page

Once a module has been assigned to a user, they will gain access to the My District PL option in their navigation below Professional Learning. (They may also have access to a District PL Goals page, and to the PL Builder.) On the My District PL page, users can access and complete any district-created modules that have been assigned to them. PL Managers can also use the Coaching View to provide feedback. The layout and features of the My District PL page are similar to the Modern Teacher PL page. 


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