PL Builder Permissions: Inviting Collaborators

This article will cover the following permissions-related items in the PL Builder:

  • District-Level PL Managers & the PL Builder
  • Invited Collaborators & the PL Builder


Video Clips:

The clip below from the PL Builder Overview demonstrates Inviting Collaborators from 5:50-6:24 before moving on to demonstrate additional tools for Building PL Modules. 



Written Explanation with Visuals:

District-Level PL Managers


Image above: PL Manager's view of PL Builder. Able to edit only first module.

As explained in the article on Professional Learning Permissions, some users are assigned as PL Managers for the district. These users can manage the district's PL users, create and manage Schools and Cohorts, use the Coaching View with all district PL users, etc. These users also have full access to the PL Builder. There, they can see all district-created modules and create new ones. Note, School and Cohort managers do not have this access.

Note, while the PL Managers can see the modules created by other users, they cannot edit the modules unless it is a module they themselves created, or a module they have been invited to collaborate on. 

If the PL Builder becomes cluttered with too many modules, PL Managers and Invited Collaborators can use the Hide Modules option as explained in Building PL Modules


Invited Collaborators


Image above: Invite Collaborators popup open


Image above: Invited Collaborator's view of PL Builder

Once a module has been created, the PL Manager can use the Invite Collaborators tool, shown in Image above, to invite more users to work on building the module. Any user in the district can be invited as a Collaborator, and they will receive access to the PL Builder in their navigation. 

Update: The user inviting the collaborator now has the option of triggering an email notification to the invited user via a checkbox above the save button. The invited user will receive an in-platform notification whether or not the email option is checked.

Unlike PL Managers, Invited Collaborators will only see the module(s) they were invited to collaborate on in the PL Builder, and they will have no option to Create new modules, as shown in Image B above. They can, however, invite additional Collaborators to work on the module, and they can use all the tools available for  Building PL Modules and Creating Tile/Page Content. They can also Assign & Publish  the module. 

If you are collaborating with other users on the creation of a module, you may wish to Subscribe to PL Builder Notifications on that module to receive alerts when changes are made.


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