Many Success Indicators throughout the Professional Learning Driver are dedicated to tracking key PL Metrics for coaches, teachers, and school-based leaders. This article will cover the following:
- SI 32 and Coaches
- SIs Tracking Progress on District PL Goals
- SI 50 and School-Based Leaders
Note: The statuses and progress bars in the following SIs update automatically based on user progress on the modules, user additions and deactivations, changes to the district's PL Goals, etc.
Written Explanation with Visuals:
SI 32 and Coaches
Coaches serve a critical role in the work of Digital Convergence. In SI 32, you are able to select which users in your district will serve as coaches.
As shown in the image above, users with certain permissions (DCF Managers, the PL Driver Owner, and the SI 32 Owner) have an “Assign Coaches” option at the top of SI 32. Clicking this option opens a popup in which you can select any user from your district to be a coach. You can search for users and use the filters to narrow the results to members of certain schools or cohorts.
Selecting users here will give them access to an Instructional Coaching Module on their Modern Teacher PL page, and their progress on this module is tracked in the stats for this SI. Note that assigning coaches here does not automatically give them access to the Coaching View. To assign teachers for these users to coach, assign each user as a Manager of a School or Cohort, or as a PL Manager of the entire district.
In the progress bar above, each cell represents 10% of your district coaches. Green indicates the percentage of users that are Complete on the Instructional Coaching module, and orange indicates the percentage that are In Progress.
The vertical green line marks the desired percentage for this SI (75%). When your district reaches this percentage, this SI will automatically be marked as Complete.
The users selected here will also count in the stats for the following SIs: 51, 52, 64, 79, and 95. These SIs track your coaches' progress on the District PL Goals. For more information on how progress on the District Goals are tracked, see the section below.
As shown above,clicking the "+" icon to the left of the info icon will expand an area of individual user stats, showing the current status of each assigned coach on the Instructional Coaching module. Note that you can filter the results by status, and note that all users assigned as coaches count in the stats here, whether or not they have logged in or are marked to count in PL Stats in their Edit User settings.
Update: You can now also assign the Instructional Coaching module to users without having them count in the stats for SI 32 of the other coach-related SIs. To do this, use the Assign Module option shown above instead of the Assign Coaches option.
SIs Tracking Progress on PL Goals
A total of 21 SIs in the Professional Learning Driver are dedicated to tracking the progress of teachers and coaches on the district's PL Goals, set in SI 31. As shown below, progress is tracked automatically. Clicking the info icon to the right of the progress bar provides the more detailed information also found here.
Each cell in the progress bar represents 10% of your district teachers. Green indicates the percentage of users that are Complete on the Goal, and orange indicates the percentage that are In Progress. In order to be Complete on the goal, you must have completed all modules that are available to you in that goal.
The vertical orange line marks the desired percentage for the previous SI related to this Goal. The vertical green line marks the desired percentage of completion on the Goal for this SI.
This SI is marked as Not Started until your district's completion of the Goal reaches the orange line. At that point, this SI is automatically marked as In Progress. When completion reaches the green line, this SI is automatically marked as Complete. Clicking the info icon expands an area with this information, and also shades the parts of the progress bar outside of the orange and green vertical lines, drawing attention to the segment of progress on which this SI is focused, as shown below.
Teacher progress on the district’s goals are tracked in the following SIs.
- Goal 1: 53 (10% teacher completion) , 67 (30% teacher completion) , 82 (60% teacher completion), 98 (90% teacher completion)
- Goal 2: 54 (10% teacher completion) , 68 (30% teacher completion) , 83 (60% teacher completion), 99 (90% teacher completion)
- Goal 3: 65 (10% teacher completion) , 80 (30% teacher completion) , 96 (60% teacher completion), 108 (90% teacher completion)
- Goal 4: 66 (10% teacher completion) , 81 (30% teacher completion) , 97 (60% teacher completion), 109 (90% teacher completion)
As shown above, clicking the "+" icon to the left of the info icon will expand an area of individual user stats, showing the current status of each user on the goal. If the goal contains multiple modules, a filter to select individual modules is available, allowing you to see each user's progress on each module included in the goal. The user is only marked as Complete on the goal when they have completed all modules in the goal. Note that you can also filter results by status, and by school/cohort membership, and these filters combine to produce narrower results.
Note: By default, all users with DCF access in your district, and users who have never logged in to the platform, are excluded from these stats. User Managers can manually add or remove users from counting in these stats by editing the user on the District Management Users page.
SI 50 and School-Based Leaders
Similar to SI 32, SI 50 provides an option to select your district’s school-based leaders, including principals, assistant principals, and other key administrators. Selecting these users will give them access to the module “Change Management for School Leaders” and will track their progress on completion of this module. SI 50 will automatically be marked as Complete when 50% of the selected users have completed the module, at which time SI 63 will be marked In Progress. SI 63 will be marked Complete when 75% of the selected users have completed the module.
To give a user access to the Change Management module without having them count in the stats for these SIs, use the "Assign Module" option to the right of the "Assign School Leaders" option.
To see the individual progress of each assigned school leader, click the + icon to the left of the info icon to expand an area of individual user results.