Editing Your Profile

This article provides more detail on the following options in editing your Profile:

  • Profile Picture
  • Email
  • Password
  • "Introduce Yourself" Bio
  • School and Cohort Membership
  • Opt Out




Written Explanation:

Navigation Reminder: You can access the Edit Profile page by selecting Profile from your dropdown menu and clicking the Edit Profile button as explained in the Profile Overview.

Profile Picture

By default, your profile picture will be a blue box with the initials of your first and last name. If you'd like to change this default, you can do so on this page. Note that uploaded profile pictures appear on your Profile and throughout the platform immediately upon upload, whereas the other edits on this page will not appear until you click "Save" at the bottom of the page.


Editing your email changes the email that appears to other users on your public Profile. It also changes the address at which you will receive email notifications based on your Notification Preferences. 


In order to update your password, you must correctly enter your current password. If you have forgotten your current password, you can reset your password from the Login page.

"Introduce Yourself" Bio

This field is meant to provide a brief introduction of yourself to the other users in the platform. Try to keep it short and sweet - the bio will appear as one paragraph on your Profile page.

School and Cohort Membership

This section shows any schools or cohorts you are a member of in your district. You can edits this information to self-enroll in additional schools or cohorts. Note, Cross-District users do not have this option. Users with District Management Permission for User Management or users with PL Permissions can instead enroll Cross-District users into the schools or cohorts in their districts.

Opt Out

You have the option to opt out of a public profile. By default, you will be opted in, meaning your Profile will be visible to users in your district and other districts in the platform. Users can access your profile by clicking your name or picture wherever if appears in the News Feed or SI Page. If you choose to opt out by un-checking the Public Profiles option, your name and profile picture will no longer be clickable to users outside of your district. Users within your district, however, will still be able to click and access your Profile.

You can also opt out of having your Micro-Certifications shared in the News Feed. By default, a post is shared in the News Feed any time you receive a Literacy or Fluency Micro-Certification, but if you prefer to keep this information private, you can use this opt out option. 


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