Modern Teacher's Professional Learning Framework is broken down into Modules, which cover a range of topics relevant to today's Modern Teacher.
This article gives an overview of the following components of the PL, and links to additional articles to provide more information:
- Module Titles, Descriptions, and Micro-Certifications
- The Literacy Portion of the Module
- Types of Professional Learning Tiles
- The Fluency Portion of the Module
- The Coaching View
Navigation Note: Depending on the district's PL Navigation settings, there may be a dropdown of options below Professional Learning in the navigation menu, including links to the District PL Goals and/or My District PL pages and/or the PL Builder. Or, the user may be taken to one of these other pages by default. Explore the linked articles for more information on these pages. This article focuses on the default Modern Teacher Professional Learning page.
Written Explanation:
Module Titles, Descriptions, and Micro-Certifications
Module titles are listed on this page, with a badge to display your current overall status on the module. (This same badge appears on the Micro-Certification section of your Dashboard.) Clicking any Module's title will expand the module, revealing a brief Description and two separate badges to display your status on the Literacy and Fluency Micro-Certifications separately. Below the Description, you'll see the content of the Module broken into two levels.
The Literacy Portion of the Module
The Literacy half of the module is meant to provide new information, helping you to acquire new knowledge and skills. The Literacy Micro-Certification is achieved by completing all Literacy pages in the Module, or by passing the Pre-Assessment.
Types of Professional Learning Tiles
Both the Literacy and Fluency sections of each Module are broken into smaller pieces, represented on this PL Framework page as tiles. These tiles open several different types of professional learning content, listed below:
- E-Learning Interactions - This type of professional learning includes games, simulations, and interactive examples to demonstrate the key concepts of the module. The number of times the tile as been viewed, how much time has been spent on it, and scores (when applicable) are now available on each of these tiles.
- Discussion Pages - These pages allow you to process your learning with other teachers at your district or across all districts in the Modern Teacher National Network.
- Reflection Pages - These pages provide directions, resources, and/or videos to help you reflect on your learning. Reflections can include file uploads, and some reflections require coach review and feedback.
The Fluency Portion of the Module
The Fluency half of the module allows for opportunities to apply and receive coaching on the new knowledge and skills acquired in Literacy. The Fluency Micro-Certification is achieved by completing all of the Fluency pages in the Module, some of which may require review, feedback, and approval from a coach.
The Coaching View
Because of the importance of coaching in the Professional Learning Framework, users can be assigned as PL Permissions at the District, School, or Cohort level. These users can access the PL Framework of any members of their assigned District, School, or Cohort, to provide coaching and feedback. In the Coaching View, they can select a user to review and provide feedback on. For more information, see the full article on the Coaching View of the PL Framework.