The inventory tools in SIs 21 & 28 help district leadership identify the digital content (SI 21) & digital tools (SI 28) adopted by your district, the areas in which they are being used, and the areas in which the content/tools are missing or unknown. This article will demonstrate and describe the following components of the Inventory:
- Table View
- Indicate Amount of Content/Tools
- Add New Content/Tools
- Add Existing Content/Tools
- List View
- Add New Content/Tools
- Edit Existing Content/Tools
- Align to Grades & Subjects
- Filter Content/Tools
Note on Permissions: Only users with DCF Access can see these Success Indicators and their inventories, and can export the inventories as a PDF or CSV. Only DCF Managers and members of the SI Team (Driver Owner, SI Owner, Task Owners, and SI Participants) can add to or edit the inventory. The SIs can be marked as Complete only after adding some information to the inventory.
The animations below demonstrates how to add new and existing content to the SI 21 Inventory, as well as how to edit, align to grades/subjects, and filter that content. The additional images throughout this article are also from SI 21, but all functionality is the same in the SI 28 Inventory.
Table View Animation:
List View Animation:
Written Explanation with Visuals:
Table View
Indicate Amount of Content/Tools
In the table view of the inventory, you can easily see the areas that have "No Content," "Some Content," and "Enough Content" in your district. The cross-section of each grade and subject is clickable, and some users (see Note on Permissions above) can click any of these three options to indicate the amount of digital content available. The current status will appear selected in blue. Areas with some content are indicated with an orange icon on the table, and areas with enough content are indicated with a green check.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for tracking the amount of digital tools instead of digital content.
Add New Content/Tools
When clicked into a specific grade and subject in the table, some users (see Note on Permissions above) can click to Add New Content. Adding content here indicates that the content is available to teachers and students of the selected grade and subject area.
A title is required, and additional fields are available to add a link, a description or notes, to indicate if the content is free or paid for, and to indicate whether or not the district is able to access data on utilization of the content.
A feature has also been added to include Tags, shown below. You can select from a few default tags by clicking the dropdown arrow on the right of the tags line, or create your own custom district tags by typing into the field and clicking Enter. Tags can be removed by clicking the X icon to the right of their name. Once a tag is created, it can be seen and re-used by other district users in the SI. It is not shared outside of the district, and tags created in SI 21 are not automatically transfered to SI 28, or vice versa.
Once a piece of content has been added, the grade/subject area will automatically update from "No Content" to "Some Content" (unless it had previously been updated to "Some Content" or "Enough Content"). See the above on Indicate the Amount of Content/Tools for more information.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for adding new digital tools instead of digital content.
Add Existing Content/Tools
When clicked into a specific grade and subject in the table, some users (see Note on Permissions above) can click to Add Existing Content. Adding content here indicates that the content is available to teachers and students of the selected grade and subject area.
All pieces of content previously added in the Table or List Views of the Inventory are available, and the content can be searched or filtered by currently aligned grade and subject area to narrow the results.
Once a piece of content has been added, the grade/subject area will automatically update from "No Content" to "Some Content" (unless it had previously been updated to "Some Content" or "Enough Content"). See the above on Indicate the Amount of Content/Tools for more information.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for adding existing digital tools instead of digital content.
List View
Add New Content/Tools
Users can switch between the Table and List Views of the Inventory with the "View Table/List" button in the upper-right corner. When in the List View, some users (see Note on Permissions above) can click to Add Content. It is not necessary to include the grade and subject area of the digital content when adding it form the List View.
Like when adding new content from the Table View, a title is required, and additional fields are available to add a link, a description or notes, to indicate if the content is free or paid for, and to indicate whether or not the district is able to access data on utilization of the content. The ability to add tags is also now available, as explained in the Add New Content/Tools section in the Table view above.
All information is visible in the List View for each piece of content. The Paid/Free and Data Available/Unavailable are indicated with icons to the right of the content name. In the above image, for instance, STEM Interactive is free and no data is available, while Thorn Learning Companion Website is paid with data available.
Once a piece of content has been added, it can be edited, deleted, or aligned to a grade and subject area. See below for details.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for adding new digital tools instead of digital content.
Edit Existing Content/Tools
Clicking the pencil edit icon in the bottom-right corner of any piece of content opens the edit popup shown above. Here you can add to or edit the content title, link, tags, description, and pricing and data information. You can also delete a piece of content by clicking the trash/delete icon to the right of the edit icon. Deleting the content will remove it from both the Table and List views, and its alignment to content will be lost. To align the content to grades and subjects, see below.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for editing digital tools instead of digital content.
Align to Grades & Subjects
At the bottom-left of any piece of content, some users (see Note on Permissions above) can click to add a Grade & Subject. This opens a popup, shown above, where you can select the grades and subjects in which this content is available and supported. If the content supports the same subject(s) in multiple grades, you can include all grades and subjects on one line item in this popup. If the content supports different subjects in different grades, we recommend adding a separate line item for each grade or subject area.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for aligning grades/subjects to digital tools instead of digital content.
Filter Content/Tools
All content in the List View can be filtered by aligned grade, subject area and/or tag. Filters are available at the upper-right of the Inventory, shown above. Combining filters, for instance 3rd grade and Math, will show only results that match both selected filters. Note, filter selections are retained when toggling between the Table and List Views.
Note, the functionality in SI 28 is the same for filtering digital tools instead of digital content.