Users with access to the Digital Convergence Framework can access reports on the district's progress over time. These District Reports are available in the dropdown navigation below your name in the upper-right corner, and they are broken into three categories:
- Digital Convergence Reports
- Professional Learning Reports
- Key Milestones Reports
- Making Reports Public/Private
Each report can be exported in a range of file formats, and narrowed to display results for a selected date range. Read on for details on each type of report.
Update: Reports now have an additional feature to make them public via their URL. See the final section of this article for details.
Written Explanation with Visuals:
Digital Convergence Report
This report provides details on your district's progress on the DCF over time, including the following items:
- DCF Score: This graph shows how your district's overall DCF Score has changed over time. When a date range is selected, the graph adjusts to display growth over that date range.
- Shape of Change (Driver Stages): Here you can see the Stage your district is working on in each Driver, as well as the owner assigned to each Driver. When a date range is selected, the darker green bar shows the Stage for your district at the start of the date range. If the stage increased, the bar extends in a lighter green color to its Stage at the end of the date range. If the stage decreased, the stage loss is shown as a grey bar. The assigned Driver Owners are displayed as of the last day in the date range.
SIs Completed: This list details all SIs your district has completed, in numeric order. SIs that were once marked as Complete but have been updated to incomplete are not listed. When a date range is selected, only the SIs marked as Complete during the date range are displayed. SI Owners and statuses are shown as of the last date in the date range.
SI Owners Assigned: Here you can see all users that have been assigned as SI Owners in your district. When a date range is selected, only the users who were assigned to be SI Owners during that date range are displayed, and the SI status shown is the status as of the last date in the date range. SI Owners removed or replaced prior to this data being collected will not be displayed.
Tasks Created: This list details the tasks that have been created in any SI. Hover over the SI number to see the SI name, status, and owner. When a date range is selected, only tasks created during that range are displayed, and the SI and Task statuses shown are the statuses as of the last date in the date range. Note, task statuses may be unavailable for some date ranges, and deleted tasks are not listed.
Work Products or Resources Shared: Here are the Work Products and SI Resources your district has added. The orange icon indicates items that are shared with All Districts. When a date range is selected, only items that were added during that date range are displayed. Items that have been deleted are not listed, and items that have been edited show their most recent version.
Goal Cycle Snapshot: This snapshot shows the status of your district's Goal Cycle. If a date range is selected, it shows the Goal Cycle as of the last date in the date range. Goal Cycles ending in date ranges prior to June 2018 will display the Goal Cycle as it was on the date it was marked Finished. More recent Goal Cycles will show the exact SIs and Target Date in the Goal Cycle as of the last date in the selected date range.
Professional Learning Report
This report provides details on your district's progress on professional learning items, including the following:
- District PL Goals: Here you can see the progress of your district's coaches and teachers on the four PL Goals set in SI 31. When a date range is selected, the darker bar shows the percentage of users complete on the goal at the start of the date range. If the percentage increased, the bar extends in a lighter color to the percentage at the end of the date range. If the percentage decreased, the loss is shown as a grey bar. For some date ranges, this data may be unavailable. For more details on this progress, explore the related SIs in the Professional Learning Driver of the DCF.
- School Leaders Trained: This list displays the School Leaders who have completed the Change Management module. These users are assigned as School Leaders in SI 50. Visit that SI for more details. When a date range is selected, only the School Leaders that completed training during that range are displayed, and statuses are based on the last date in the date range.
- Coaches Trained: This list displays the Coaches who have completed the Instructional Coaching module. These users are assigned as Coaches in SI 32. Visit that SI for more details. When a date range is selected, only the Coaches that completed training during that range are displayed, and statuses are based on the last date in the date range.
- Micro-Certs Awarded: Here you can see how many micro-certifications have been awarded to users in your district. Note, these numbers include all district users, whether or not they are marked to count in PL stats. When a date range is selected, only the micro-certs that were awarded during that date range are displayed, and the average is calculated by the number of users in the district and the number of micro-certs awarded at the end of that range. For date ranges prior to this information being available, the averages will be excluded.
- Schools and/or Cohorts Created: Here are all the Schools and/or Cohorts your district has created in the Modern Teacher platform. When a date range is selected, only the Schools/Cohorts that were created during that range are displayed, and number of members is based on the last date in the date range. For some date ranges, data on members may be unavailable. Items that have been deleted are not listed, and items that have been edited show their most recent version.
Key Milestones Report
This report displays the statuses and work products on critical Success Indicators throughout the DCF. The orange flag indicates work products that are shared with All Districts.
By default, the first six Key Milestones, from Stages 1-2 of the DCF, are displayed. If your district has started uploading work products to the later stages of the DCF, the list will automatically expand to show these Key Milestones as well.
This information is also available in your District Portfolio, but only work products shared with All Districts will be visible to users outside your district.
Making Reports Public/Private
Each report page now has the option, shown above, to make the report public. This option appears at the top right of the page, next to the Export option, and is visible only to DCF Managers. Clicking the "Make Public" option will open a popup asking you to confirm. By default, the report is private and only available to users in your district with access to the Digital Convergence Framework. When the report is public, it will be available to anyone with the link, logged in or not. This public option allows you to easily share your district's progress on the DCF, PL, or Key Milestones, by linking to it on your district website, via an email, etc.
Once the report is made public, the "Make Public" option changes to "Make Private." DCF Managers can make the report private again at any time. Note, making a single report page public does not impact the other reports. If you would like all 3 pages to be public, you must select this option on each page.
Note, on the DCF and PL Reports, the Resources sections will be hidden from the public view. On the Key Milestones Report, all Work Products will be made accessible on the public view, regardless of their original share settings.