Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks

Coming Soon

This article will cover the following information on the Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks found in Modern Teacher PL modules:

  • The Difference between Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks
  • Completing Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks
  • Pre-Assessment Results
  • Literacy Check Results
  • Transition from 2018 Quiz Versions

Note that PL Managers can view users' results, including their status, score, answer selections, and attempt histories, in the Coaching View.

Note: If your district is using the PL Builder to create its own modules, you may wish to explore the related article on how to create these types of tiles.



Written Explanation with Visuals:

The Difference between Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks


Image above: MT Module with Pre-Assessment as second tile & Literacy Check as last tile

Most Modern Teacher PL Modules have a Pre-Assessment toward the beginning, and a Literacy Check at the end of the Literacy level. The two types of quizzes are explained below:

  • Pre-Assessments: A Pre-Assessment is meant to check for prior knowledge at the beginning of a module. It is meant to help users identify the information they already know or don't know about the content of the module. Users have one attempt to submit it. If the user scores 80% or above, they have demonstrated that they are already familiar with the content, and they automatically receive a Micro-Certification for the Literacy level of module. The other Literacy tiles are marked as Attained and are optional to complete. If they score below 80%, they can proceed with the rest of the module to receive their Micro-Certification. 
  • Literacy Checks: A Literacy Check appears at the end of the Literacy level of the module and is meant to check for understanding. Users have multiple attempts to submit it. The user must score 80% or above in order for the page to be marked as Complete. A history of the user's scores on each attempt to pass the quiz is visible below the status.

The top of these quiz pages appears the same as the top of a Reflection or Discussion page, with a Description and a Status in the upper-left corner. Unlike the Reflection and Discussion pages, however, the user cannot manually change the Status of the page. Instead, the Status is automatically set based on their quiz score.

Below the Description of the page and above the quiz questions, the quiz is identified as either a Pre-Assessment or a Literacy Check. 

For more details on these two types of assessments, view the video above and/or explore the rest of this article. 


Completing Pre-Assessments & Literacy Checks

To complete the Pre-Assessment or Literacy Check, select at least one correct answer for each question by checking the boxes to the right of the answer options, and click Submit at the bottom of the page. Note, if a question has more than one correct answer option, you must select all correct answers for the question to be marked as correct. If you leave the page before clicking Submit, your answers will be lost. 

After clicking Submit, you'll see a message at the bottom of the page that briefly explains your results, and you can review your answers as shown below.


Image above: Submitting quiz and reviewing feedback

After submitting the quiz, you'll see the answer options you submitted indicated by a grey arrow, questions scored as Correct are marked with a green check, and questions scored as Incorrect are marked with an orange X. Each question includes written feedback in orange or green as shown above, including a hyperlinked line indicating which part of the module the question is related to. Feedback appears by default on incorrect answers, and if can be expanded on correct answers by clicking the info icon to the left of the green check.

Your score and status appears in the upper-left corner of the page as well as on the tile, and depending on the quiz type, you may be able to Retake the quiz. Read on for more details on quiz Statuses and Retakes.  


Pre-Assessment Results

If you score below 80% on the Pre-Assessment, your status on the page will be marked as Attained. You do not have the option to Retake. You can review your results and feedback, and move on to the next tile of the module. 

If you score 80% or above on the Pre-Assessment, your status on the page will be marked as Complete. You do not have the option to Retake. Your micro-certification will be automatically marked as Complete, and your next required step for the module is to move on to the Fluency level.


Image above: Tiles marked as Attained after passing the Pre-Assessment, Micro-Certification Complete

As shown in the image above, all other Literacy tiles for the module are marked with the Attained status if the Pre-Assessment is passed, indicating that they are not required to be completed. However, you do still have the option of completing any Reflection or Discussion tiles; you can submit comments and attachments on these pages as usual, and you can manually mark them with the Status of Not Started of In Progress as you're working (which will mark the Micro-Certification as In Progress instead of Complete), or mark them as Complete when you are done (which will keep the Micro-Certification as Complete).

Even if you passed the Pre-Assessment, you do still have the option of submitting the Literacy Check as well. Note, however, that if you score below 80%, both the tile and the module will be marked with the status of In Progress until the Literacy Check is passed.


Literacy Check Results

If you score below 80% on the Literacy Check, your status on the page will be marked as In Progress. Your attempt is recorded and visible by clicking the Status. You can review your results and feedback, review areas of the module related to the questions you missed, and try again. When you click Retake, your previously-submitted answers are cleared, and you can answer the questions again.

Note that on retakes, you will receive different versions of some questions, so it's unlikely to see the exact same Literacy Check twice. Just like the first time, if a question has more than one correct answer option, you must select all correct answers for the question to be marked as correct. If you leave the page before clicking Submit, your answers will be lost. If you score below 80% on a Retake, your attempt is again recorded, and you can try again.


Image above: Literacy Check Passed & marked Complete, with history of Attempts below Status

If you score 80% or above on the Literacy Check, your status on the page will be marked as Complete, and your option to Retake will be removed. Just like on attempts with scores below 80%, your passing score will be recorded and visible in the Attempt History area as shown above.

When you pass the Literacy Check, more detailed feedback becomes available, so you can take a close look at the right and wrong answer options before moving on to Fluency.


Transition from 2018 Quiz Versions

Note, if you completed a Modern Teacher Pre-Assessment or Literacy Check prior to late November 2018, you will have seen a different version of the quizzes. Your score and status are based on your original submission(s), and an orange banner message, shown below, is visible to remind you of this update. Most of the questions remain the same as the 2018 versions, but you can view the latest questions below the orange banner. If you were In Progress on a quiz, you can click Retake at the bottom of the page to complete the new version. 


Image above: Literacy Check Passed & marked Complete, with history of Attempts below Status


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