Choose-to-Send Notifications

In addition to choosing to receive notifications on their Notification Preferences pages, users can also choose to send notifications when completing some actions. This article will explain how to choose whether or not to send notifications when completing the following actions:

  • Assigning Users 
  • Editing Users
  • Assigning or Publishing a Module
  • Starting a Discussion
  • Deleting a School or Cohort
  • Publishing Updates to the PL Goals in SI 31

Assigning Users


Whenever you assign a user a new role or permission, you have the option to trigger an email notification. Users will receive an in-platform notification either way, but you can control whether or not to send the email. The same goes for unassigning a user.

The animation above shows the location of each of these actions:

  • Assign Driver Owner
  • Assign SI Owner
  • Assign Task Owner
  • Assign SI Participant
  • Assign Managers of the district's Brand, News, or Users
  • Invite Collaborator to a module in the PL Builder
  • Assign School/Cohort Managers/Members

If you are assigning users to a group that already exists, such as a school or a set of SI Participants, only the newly assigned users will receive the notification. If you are both assigning and unassigning users, both the assigned and unassigned users will receive the notification. 


Editing Users


When making changes in the Edit User popup, shown above, you can select whether or not to email the user about the changes being made. Users will receive an in-platform notification either way, but you can control whether or not to send the email. 

The Edit Use popup allows you to make changes to each of the following areas:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Access to Digital Convergence Framework
  • Assignment to count in or be excluded from PL Stats
  • Management Permissions
  • School/Cohort Management/Membership

If you make multiple edit, multiple notifications will be sent.


Assigning or Publishing a Module


Image above: Assigning a Module in the PL Builder


Image above: Publishing a Module in the PL Builder

When publishing a module in the PL Builder, or changing the assignment of a published module, you can choose whether or not to trigger an email to the assigned users. Users will receive an in-platform notification either way, but you can control whether or not to send the email. 


Starting a Discussion


When starting a discussion, either on the Dashboard or in a SI, you can choose whether or not to trigger an email to the users with access to the discussion. Users will receive an in-platform notification either way, but you can control whether or not to send the email. 


Deleting a School or Cohort


When deleting a school or cohort from the school/cohort district management page, you can choose whether or not to trigger an email to the managers and members of that group. Users will receive an in-platform notification either way, but you can control whether or not to send the email. 


Publishing Updates to the District PL Goals in SI 31


When publishing changes to the district's PL Goals in SI 31, you can choose whether or not to trigger an email to all users in the district. Users will receive an in-platform notification either way, but you can control whether or not to send the email. 


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